


Learn about our mission and expertise in multifamily real estate investment. Partner with us to achieve your investment goals.

Our team is dedicated to identifying and acquiring high-value multifamily properties in emerging markets throughout the United States. We prioritize transparency and ethical practices, and work closely with our investors to ensure their investment objectives are met. Let us help you achieve success in your investment.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be the leading investment firm in multifamily real estate, recognized for expertise and commitment to excellence.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide transparent and ethical investment opportunities in the multifamily market, partnering with investors to achieve financial success.

We SEE A BRIGHTER WAY forward in the multifamily investments. Most investors stick to single-family deals, not realizing the incredible opportunities presented by multifamily real estate. Our goal is to change that by showing investors how to think bigger and close lucrative multifamily deals.

We offer education and services tailored to multifamily investments, helping investors achieve their full potential and create a rich and fulfilling life. With our guidance, investors can maximize their returns and build a successful and sustainable real estate portfolio.

We believe that with the right mindset and the right tools, anyone can succeed in multifamily real estate investment.


Our Achievements

Our advisors have a track record of great success.


Total Units

$ 0 M

Portfolio Value

0 %

Average ARR


Jeanette McKenzie

Jeanette McKenzie is a seasoned business systems analyst with years of experience in information technology and management. She has worked with multiple sectors of businesses, helping them optimize their operations and drive growth.

Jeanette has also been an active investor in real estate for many years with a focus on single family and multifamily properties.

Jeanette is the founder of JenLeigh Holdings, a company dedicated to helping individuals and businesses achieve their financial goals through multifamily real estate investment. At JenLeigh Holdings, Jeanette leverages her expertise in business systems analysis and management to provide a step-by-step system for investing in multifamily properties, while also prioritizing integrity, ethics, teamwork, and providing value. With a commitment to her investors’ success and her residents’ happiness, Jeanette strives to help her investors achieve financial freedom and live a rich, fulfilling life, while making a positive difference in the communities.